Charity Work

Sport Options Charity Work

During 2010 Sport Options Director Miles Saward worked in South Africa for a number of months prior to and during the World Cup. As a result of a local introduction in Cape Town we became involved in a charity project in the township of FISANTEKRALL just outside Cape Town. 

Sport Options Charity Work


This culminated in an emotional ceremony on 9th June 2010 when Chris Kamara (tv personality) joined Miles Saward to help open The Miles Saward/Sport Options nursery for children in Fisantekraal. Sport Options fully funded the building and providing of equipment for this nursery and still help to provide a food allowance for the children there.

We realise that charity work is also needed closer to home and will announce details of our UK project for charity towards the end of 2010. We realise we can't change the world but we can help a few and maybe improve the lives of a small number of people.


UPDATE 16/05/14: We still support this project in Fisantekrall. We are glad to confirm we are still supporting this project and will continue to do so. Hopefully we have made a significant difference to the lives of some of the children of Fisantekrall.

New Project: We are now working on a new project in Brazil to run along side the exsisting one in South Africa and we hope to announce details shortly.

Sport Options Charity Work